Published by A H Reed 1950
An unusual book published by A H Reed in 1950. From the Black Rocks on Friday is the graphic story of a castaway on a New Zealand island. It first appeared in Charles Dicken's periodical, All the Year Round, on May 17 1862. Where is the elusive island off Cape Brett ?.
Firstly then is the island real or fictitious ? and if real, where is it situated ? It was on Friday the 19th of August 1859, that 'Henry' as the author calls himself, sailed out of the Bay of Islands in a small boat on a solitary fishing excursion. A fresh land breeze and strong current carried him seawards, and at close of the following day he was cast ashore on the largest of a group of three small islands, of whose existence the Maori made him aware.
It wouldn't be possible to drift to Raoul in two days but it is a novelty book that appears to be published just the once with a run of 2000 numbered copies.