The Whaling Journal of Captain W B Rhodes, barque Australian of Sydney 1836-1838
Whitcombe and Tombs Limited 1954
Hardcover 122 pages, some illustrations.
From the dust jacket:
“This journal, by the pioneer of a family of notable New Zealand pastoralists, is of double interest, both as a narrative of the hardy and dangerous life of the whalemen of 120 years and as a documentary of an important phase in early New Zealand history. Captain Rhodes had to deal with mutinous crew in Lyttelton Harbour in 1836, assisted in protecting settlers in the Bay of Islands during Maori unrest in 1837, and observed the crusading wars of the first native king of Tonga. The journal has been edited by C R Straubel, whose introduction summarizes the history of whaling in this part of the Pacific.”
There are two sections in this book concerning the Kermadecs when travelling from the Pacific to New Zealand and when the settler Read was there.