Shiner arrived at Raoul on 18 Mar 1984 with a 5 person scientific / 4 person radio DX expedition aboard as well as the skipper. Most were quartered in the Woolshed during their stay on Raoul.  Shortly after midnight on 21 Mar 1984, Shiner - which was sheltering in Boat Cove from the conditions generated by Tropical Cyclone Cyril - was abandoned after dragging its anchors and getting holed by rocks near the Boat Cove landing.  The two crew aboard got ashore safely.  Attempts were made to salvage as much gear as possible, but the yacht was a write-off.  The ferro-cement hull subsequently broke up during rough seas at a later date.  The Shiner expedition members were evacuated on 26 Mar 1984 back to NZ aboard the Warner Pacific  vessel “Vili”, which diverted from a voyage ex Ellice Islands to Auckland.

Shiner seen from above Boat CovePhoto: Mike Bourke 1984

Shiner seen from above Boat Cove – the yacht lies in the centre
of photo with mast sticking above water.

Shiner seen from causeway
Photo: Mike Bourke 1984

Shiner seen from causeway with salvage efforts going on to get dive
compressor and other stuff out of wreck.

Underwater view of Shiner before it broke up in next storm.

Underwater view of Shiner before it broke up in next storm.

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